Amy Chuang

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Amy is a renowned entrepreneur operated several restaurants serving American, Chinese and Japanese cuisines. She has retired. She served as a Moderator and Master of Ceremony for Taiwan and Hong Kong Varieties shows in Las Vegas for about 20 years. Served as Commissioner of the City of San Francisco Arts Commission, and the San Francisco Chinatown Economic Development Commission as Vice Chair. Currently, she serve as SF-Taipei Sister City Committee member; Commissioners of Overseas Community Affair Council R.O.C.; Board Member of the World Buddha’s Light International Association, Board Members of Asian Women’s Association and Founding President of Chinese American Cultural Association. For her community services, Mayor Willie Brown proclaimed August 14, 2001 as “Amy Chuang Day”.

夏玉珠簡介:早年服務於銀行界,後経營飲食業,曾擁有中、美、日多間不同餐廳。在美國拉斯 維加(Las Vegas) 為著名経紀人夏玉順主持港台着名影歌星的秀達20年. 工作餘暇投身於各種非牟利社區服務機構,諸如:新僑服務中心、亞洲婦女服務中心、美洲華人婦女聯誼會、市府機構如舊 金山市府藝術委員會委員、華埠經濟發展委員會副主席、舊金山、台北姊妹市委員、佛光會日落區分會會長、佛光山世界總會理事及舊金山灣區縂會長、中美文化芸術協會創會會長、中華慧妍 縂會共同創辦人、會長、董事。為表彰她對社區的貢獻,三藩市市長布朗定二零零一年八月十四日為『舊金山夏玉珠日』.