Amelia Ho

Being friendly, flexible, reliable, committed and selfless as a volunteer. My energy and enthusiastic about a cause, will bring me a positive spirit can
motivate others to take action towards the cause, it contagious and spread to others. Align with my passionate at my volunteer work, I have done a long commitment on a regular basis for a period of time since 1985 in community, organizations and help with many tasks. My ultimate goal is stay passionate, positive, be myself and will help bring a fun and loving spirit to any volunteer opportunity.

Amelia Ho (current role)
1979-2020 President, Cal Travel & Tours
2017-2020 Commissioner, SFO-TPE Sister-city
2015-2020 Funder, Public Benefit Platform, SV.
2014-2020 Commissioner, OCAC, Taiwan, ROC
2012-2020 Honorable Chair, FuJen Worldwide Alumni Association
2004-2020 Rotarian(Los Altos, Cupertino)
Amelia Ho (past role)
2000-2010 Chair, Los Altos – ShiLin Sister-city
1985-2020 Involved in many organizations, charities, fundraisers.